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A Life Saving Ambulance for the Camillian Center

This is what is currently being used as an "ambulance" to transport severely ill patients from the Camillian Center to the nearest hospital when there is a medical emergency. As you can imagine, it doesn't do much to protect the passengers from rain, wind, dust and bad roads. How does this relate to Sumalee's life? -- Well, Mom chose not to have a car during the last 15 years of her life. Living in congested Bangkok, she preferred to take taxis, skytrains and the Subarus that shuttle people up and down the back streets off Sukhumvit...Of late, however, she had been thinking about getting herself a car and driver, as it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable to get around -- the aches and pains of an aging body were beginning to get to her. In her memory, and in hopes that this is something Sumalee would have wholeheartedly endorsed, some of the charity money is going to purchase a Toyota Carryboy ambulance for the orphans and palliative care patients at the Camillian Center. This will make a huge difference to the quality of care provided to severely ill patients. The ambulance is almost ready, I will post pictures here when the big day arrives. Meanwhile, the kids at the center already created a beautiful pop-up thank-you card when the donation was announced earlier this year...



Here is a picture of what the new ambulance will look like:


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